
Abortion And Birth Control : Pro Choice And Pro Life Essay

Good Essays

Different Arguments for Different Ends
Shana Meyer
December 7, 2016

Different Arguments for Different Ends
Abortion and birth control have long served as very heated, very debated topics, especially in the equal rights movement. Groups on both sides of the dispute have made strong arguments either in support of or against a woman’s right to use birth control and/or seek an abortion. Interestingly, many of the arguments share very similar foundational thoughts but are used to suggest very different conclusions. Through the duration of this paper, the two opposing groups will be defined as Pro-Choice and Pro-Life. Groups on both sides of the argument have historically used the same base topics, such as women’s health and personal liberty, to bolster their opposing arguments, which further convolutes the issue.
A common idea that consistently appears in both Pro-Choice and Pro-Life arguments is the topic of protecting the woman’s health. In Roe v. Wade, 1973, the author points out that, “When most criminal abortion laws were enacted, the procedure was… hazardous…”1, adding that abortion mortality rates were reasonably high.1 Human Life International states that steroids, which include contraceptives, target and affect a body’s hormonal balance which can lead to a long list of side-effects. This list includes both physical symptoms, ranging from headaches to death, and mental symptoms, such as depression.2 Additionally, abortion procedures can also have

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