
Abortion As A Medical Or Surgical Procedure

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Abortion is described as a medical or surgical procedure to remove a fetus and the placenta from a woman’s uterus by a trained healthcare worker ( After hearing a case named Roe vs. Wade the Supreme Court, abortion was made legal in the United States in 1973. For a very long time, I was against abortion due to lack of information and exposure to other cultures. Because I grow up in a very religious household, the word abortion was definitely not part of the vocabulary. My parents taught me to believe that abortion was a sin against God and that removing a pregnancy equals to committing a murder. However, since my move to the United States I learned that in life, it is not always black or white; therefore my …show more content…

Many people have different views about abortion and they feel strongly about the debate. I believe that everyone views are individual and mostly feel motivated because of religious beliefs or personal experiences. Prior to watching the videos, I did not realize how much people struggle to make abortion legal in the United States. However I did know about illegal abortions because they are frequently done in West Africa where I grew up. Moreover the video showed when times women were having pregnancies removed against the law. Nonetheless women who decided not to carry an unwanted pregnancy due to one reason or other have found ways to have an abortion. Being in desperate situations basically made them resort to dangerous and sometimes deadly methods. Many of these women had to be hospitalized for complications or lost their lives too ashamed to seek for help or for fear of criminal charges. Before being legalized, it was estimated that over a million of illegal abortions was done and over a thousand of women have died due to complications and infections. (Castle .M. A 2011). The things that impressed me the most in the video are the fact that the country saw was the rise of the women movement to fight against the inequalities and unfair treatments toward them. According to video, young activist marched the streets, organized public speeches to demand the legal right to abortion in many States. In addition, the things that I did not agree with

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