
Abortion Induced Abortion

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Induced Abortion in United States
According to The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy “the ending of pregnancy and expulsion of the fetus, generally before the embryo or fetus is capable of surviving on its own. Abortion may be brought on intentionally by artificial means (induced abortion) or may occur naturally (spontaneous abortion, which is commonly referred to as a miscarriage).” “Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures undergone by women aged 15-44 in the United States, partly because of the high level of unintended pregnancy. About half of the 6.4 million pregnancies that occurred in 2000 (including those ending in miscarriages) were unintended, and about half of these resulted in abortion.” (Jones, Rachel K, 2005). Does a woman have a right to obtain an abortion? And to what extent does a person have a right to protest the practice of abortion? The induced abortion is an argumentative topic since diverse people have their own opinion about it and continues to be a conflicting right in the United States. There are two major points of view that dominate the abortion debate in United States.
Actually, abortion theme is extremely controversial. The first groups that are in favor to the abortion are called “pro-choice”. There are people who believe that the abortion decision should be left to the future mother. Feminists and liberals are examples of this people. They defend the argument that women have the right to decide if she wants to continue with her

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