
Abortion Should NOT Be Legal In The United States

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With the presidential election being over and the White House along with the Congress having a big shift from democratic control to Republican control now we the people bring up questions such as what's going to happen with gun control now, what about the affordable care act,will gay marriage stay legal, and finally what about abortion. With new laws that have come through that limit the time period in which a woman can get an abortion some people may wonder if it will stay legal much longer especially for such a strong republican government that we have right now they will not waste time trying to get as much done as I can while there is a strong republican party in the capital. However with abortion is it such a bad thing that we make that illegal in this great country.

Now I know with your first argument that it's a mother's choice it's her choice of her body she is the one who has control she is the parent of whatever is inside of her. The statements maybe true but if only for certain things like for example if the child wants to jump all over their mother their mother can say no it is her body her choice she is in control and she is the parent, but that is it it doesn't have any …show more content…

The father should also have a say in the abortion but that's not all. If the person that is getting the abortion is under age then it is also up to the parents of not only the mother but also the father and even then it is about the child and the child should have a chance at a life and if the family didn't want the baby they could have gave the baby up for adoption yes i know people say that if you just throw the kid in a home that they will be there forever and not get adopted. Yes sadly this is true a lot of kids even now don't get adopted but it would give the world more people to feed it with new ideas.

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