
Absent Father Research Paper

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The absence of a father could really be tough on young men. The guider will show them right from wrong in life. If they are not around they will most likely go down the wrong road in life. The job of a father is to teach his son and make him a man that will be successful in life. If the father is absent it will be very hard for the young men to go down this road. A mother cannot mentally raise a man by herself .She can guide him through life experiences. But when it is time to connect man to man the mother is not that reliable . She is not that reliable because she can not connect to the conversation because she is a woman. As a women we do not know what it is like to go through men problems. Fathers are often absent during the time their child is growing up. They are often absent …show more content…

Fathers who are absent because they could not accept their responsibility of having a child . Often consumed their child at a young age . This is a big impact because having a child at an early age could stop your whole life. It could stop your life because you will then not live the same . Many things will become different because it will not just be about you anymore. While you are young you still want to explore the things life has to offer. You can not do this if you have a child . You can still experience life but it will become very challenging . Your child will want you around every second of the day. If you are not around you will then start to feel bad because you have picked something else over your child . Often times many men change their significant others. Changing a significant other could mean many things especially if they have consumed a child by them.Some mothers are often angry when the child father has left them to be with someone else . They will then use the child against them. Using the child against them could become a very serious

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