
Absolutely True Diary Of Part Time Indian Analysis

Decent Essays

The graphic novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, should be required reading for CCHS sophomores because of the profound themes of adventure, community, and tribalism it captures. These themes are germane to all high school students and exploring them would prepare them for the adventures and challenges that await after high school. High school is infused with tribalism. The all too familiar struggle of us versus them is experienced every day by almost everyone. In the Reardan gym, Junior is depicted as an angel. In his Wellpinit gym, he is demonized and the crowd’s boos express their disapproval of his choice to venture outside the Rez. Junior is rendered in both settings thinking “Who am I” (182) capturing his identity conflict as he struggles to identify with both communities locked in a historical feud. Another prominent example of the impact of tribalism can be seen after Junior informs his best friend of his plan to transition to Reardan. Rowdy beats Junior and yells, “you always thought you were better than me” (52). Tribalism results in the division of communities and often, as in Junior’s case, excommunication for those brave enough to attempt to bridge different groups. …show more content…

sophomores are on the verge of striking out into the world of college and ultimately adulthood. When contemplating his move to Reardan, Junior anticipates his community's negative reaction stating, “I figure my fellow tribal members are going to torture me” (47). Junior struggles with the knowledge he will be ostracized if he pursues his dreams, but chooses to proceed anyway. No worthwhile adventure comes without risk and sacrifice. Junior’s courage and determination in the face of challenge might inspire and inform sophomores weighing whether to pursue their own

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