
Absolutism Vs Constitutionalism

Decent Essays

There have been many forms of government throughout history. Some forms have similarities between the way it governs the people while some forms differ greatly in the same aspect. Take for example, absolutism and constitutionalism, these forms of government are on two different ends of the spectrum especially in reference to government power and taxation.

An absolute government establishes a monarch or ruler that has absolute power, accompanied by the divine right of kings. The divine right of kings was the doctrine that stated kings derived their authority from God, not from their subjects. Government power for absolutism differs greatly from government power for constitutionalism because the government has total control over the people, which essentially leaves the people with no choice but to be ruled by their divine monarch or ruler. Take Louis XIV of France for example. Louis XIV was France’s absolute ruler during the 16th century whose ultimate goal was to continue the rule of absolutism after the death of the Italian Cardinal Mazarin, whom was an adherent of the concept of the divine right of kings. …show more content…

Government power for constitutionalism differs greatly from the government power of absolutism because the government gains their power through the consent of the people not through divine right. Due to this, the people have the power to decide what it is they desire in their government. For example, Queen Elizabeth I of England was a constitutionalist ruler up until the 16th century. Queen Elizabeth I could not pass any laws without consent from Parliament and could not take part in religious actions without the consent of the

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