
Abstract. Using A Variety Of Peer-Reviewed Sources, This

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Using a variety of peer-reviewed sources, this paper will focus on the problems in the United States healthcare system and its relation to children’s access to healthcare. Despite efforts, there are several aspects in the current healthcare system that cause children to not have access to healthcare. In other cases the children may be eligible for health insurance but do not have insurance. This paper will analyze the disparities surrounding children’s healthcare, the socioeconomic aspects of it, and other factors that cause a lack of access to healthcare.

Over the years healthcare has remained an issue in everyday society, especially in getting it so that everyone has access to it. Different people of varying …show more content…

CHIP emerged from a budget negotiation between a Democratic president and Republican Congress. As such, the program represents a fine balance, designed to maintain equilibrium between states and the federal government, as well as between political conservatives and liberals. It contains elements of both an entitlement program and a block-grant. States have the option of providing child health assistance in SCHIP through Medicaid, a separate program, or a combination of the two. There is also flexibility in benefit design, though benefits must meet certain set standards. As in Medicaid, state payments for child health assistance under SCHIP qualify for federal matching payments. On average, the federal government pays 70 percent and state governments pay 30 percent of program costs. Unlike Medicaid, however, these enhanced federal matching payments are limited by national and state-specific "allotments," or annual limits on federal funding. SCHIP has a system to redistribute federal allotments from states that did not spend the full amount to others that may need higher amounts. States may use up to 10 percent of their annual allotments on outreach, administration, and other activities.
A federally funded evaluation found SCHIP to be successful in nearly all of the areas examined. Since inception in 1997, enrollment has increased steadily to 6.1 million children in FY 2005. This was complemented by a 6.8

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