
Absurdity And Consequences Of Block The Merchant

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“Here too the judge was about to rise up [from the painting] threateningly from his throne, gripping its arms.” In The Trial Kafka uses this imagery to display the fierceness of the judges, and how they are swift in dispensing punishment. Or does he? In the very next sentence, the painter explains exactly how the painting was fabricated. These paintings are absurd, and yet the judges in the paintings are indeed very ready to dispense punishment. In The Trial law is absurd, but it has very real consequences. We will examine this by looking first at the absurdity and the consequences of law in the case of Block the Merchant, then we will again look at the absurdity and consequences of law in the case of the protagonist Josef K, and finally we will examine the absurdity and consequences of the final scene: Josef k’s execution. Block, is a merchant who is also going through a trial of his own. He has several lawyers who have filed petitions to the court, but the petitions are never read by the court, and even when Block reads them, he claims that they are, “Scholarly all right, but in fact contained nothing of substance” (Kafka 177). Block lives with his primary lawyer so that he can be involved in his trial and it is absurd to believe that being on trial means being so invested in the trial that one must live with their lawyer. Block also speaks of supposed great lawyers who have never actually been seen, only heard of, and that his lawyers are only petty lawyers as compared

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