
Abuse, Malreatment And Neglect

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Many children are abused, maltreated and neglected. Many of these children are taken away from their parents and put into the foster care system where they have to depend on people and the government to take care of them. These children are sometimes abused, maltreated, neglected and some of them even die in the system. These children need to be advocated for and social workers are the one who steps in to make sure that they are taken care of the way that they should be. In this paper I am going to be discussing the abuse, maltreatment and neglect that these children go through and how social worker come in to help these children to make sure they are safe.

When children are maltreated, it could alter the way of their thinking and how they …show more content…

They need someone who will help them get out of the situation that they have found themselves in. Pecora, Sanders, Wilson, English, Puckett, & Rudlang-Perman (2014) states that “every year in the USA, about 695 000 unique children are confirmed as victims of child maltreatment(US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau 2011), and, on any given day in 2010, nearly 408 000 children were living in foster care” (Pecora, Sanders, Wilson, English, Puckett, & Rudlang-Perman (2014). These are a large number and something needs to be done in order to lower this numbers and possibly get rid of child maltreatment because nobody deserves to be maltreated whether it is in the form of Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, emotional Abuse or neglect. This is because every child deserves a place called home where they are loved and cared for instead of being abused, maltreated or …show more content…

Tufford, Bogo, & Asakura (2015) states “the domains of child maltreatment include both child abuse (wilful acts such as physical, sexual and emotional abuse which harm a child) and neglect (failure to provide for a child’s basic needs) (Fontes, 2005)” (Tufford, Bogo, & Asakura 2015, p. 3). These areas will have a life-altering impact on a child’s life and it might change how they view people and things around them. Tufford, Bogo, & Asakura (2015) states “neglect, as a form of child maltreatment, can take many forms such as failing to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, supervision, medical care, emotional care or education” ((Tufford, Bogo, & Asakura 2015, p. 3). Neglect is also big issue just as Tufford, Bogo, & Asakura (2015) mentioned, not giving a sufficient amount of food, not providing them with emotional support or proper education or medical care could put a child in this category. Therefore, simply providing a child with their basic needs can solve the problem, although not everyone can afford this basic needs because of life’s situations. Situation like poverty, lack of work, and others can cause this to happen. This is why Tufford, Bogo, & Asakura (2015) also states that “Child Neglect can often be confounded by poverty, inadequate housing and dangerous neighbourhoods as parents or caretakers have fewer resources to provide children with the care they need (Jonson-Reid, Drake, & Zhou, 2013)” ((Tufford, Bogo, &

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