
Academic And Career Goals

Decent Essays

1. What are your academic and career goals? Describe your goals and tell us your plan for meeting them.
My academic goal is to complete my associate degree at Central Arizona College in December 2016. I will also improve my leadership skills while a member of Phi Theta Kappa. I will transfer to Upper Iowa University to earn a Bachelor of Psychology. Upper Iowa University offers an accelerated program so I will finish the coursework in one year. All of the UIU courses are offered at the Mesa campus in the evenings so I will be able to work during the day. I would like to have a job in the realm of human resources while attending UIU. My career will begin in human resources while at the same time earning a Master’s of Organizational Behavior. I will be an organizational psychologist for one firm to gain years of experience. Ultimately, I would like to be an independent consultant. I enjoy giving presentations and teaching when I’m passionate about the topic.

2. How will your education benefit yourself, your family, and your community? The benefit to your community can be in any capacity, …show more content…

Which of your accomplishments makes you the most proud?
I am most proud of taking a risk to reach my goals. Generally, I don’t take risks or embrace changes so this one took some courage. I was working full-time and attending college part-time. Earning my degree in psychology was going to take an unreasonable number of years, so I decided to make drastic changes and do what I really wanted to do. I quit my full-time job and enrolled at Central Arizona College full-time. I found a part-time job that would allow me to keep my education a priority.
4. How have your life experiences, family, employment and volunteer work contributed to your present goals and/or hindered your ability to reach these goals? Comment on, for example, child-rearing, homemaking, eldercare or illness, as well as positive experiences and supportive relationships that have helped shape your

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