
Academic Prose Vs. Writing

Decent Essays

Over the past eight weeks, this course has required me to write more academic prose than I have at any time outside of high school. While my job has required writing long documents, they are almost always persuasive or technical documents. I now reflect on my daily reading and writing in a different way as a result of this class. I can see how I have grown even from the first week to today. In each of the assignments below I can see my own growth and learning. When I read my first essay again for this assignment, I found myself picking it apart in a way I do not think I was capable of when it was initially written. A few lines and paragraphs have been rewritten to remove poorly worded sentences and choppy thoughts, but the whole subject and the way it was presented seems poor in hindsight. If I were asked to write the same assignment today I would not rewrite what was there, but start over entirely. The edits I made in this revision were in an effort to make it the best version of what was originally written, but it is not representative of what I can produce. Luckily, I had the opportunity to learn more about research and writing while participating in IDS101. Prior to this class, my last formal training in writing and English language skills was in a UConn cooperative class I took in high school. It was equivalent to entry-level college English class and was very demanding, but still not the same as this class. In that class, I was often tasked with writing material

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