Too many disposals of small groups of assets that are recurring in nature qualify for discontinued operations under prior GAAP. This caused financial statements to be less decision useful for users. Additionally, the guidance on discontinued operations resulted in higher costs for preparers because it can be complex and difficult to apply. The FASB issued ASU 2014-08 to address those problems by changing the criteria for reporting discontinued operations, while simultaneously enhancing convergence with the International Accounting Standard Board’s reporting requirements for discontinued operations.
A disposal of a component of an entity is required to be reported in discontinued operations if the disposal represents a strategic shift that has (or will have) a major effect on an entity’s operations and financial results when the component meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale (ASC 205-20-45-1E) or when the component is disposed of by sale.
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All other entities should apply the amendments prospectively to all disposals of components of an entity, and all businesses or nonprofit activities that, on acquisition, are classified as held for sale, that occur within annual periods beginning on or after December 15,2014 and interim periods within annual periods beginning on or after December 15,2015. (ASU 2014-08)
The amendments in this update improves the definition of discontinued operations, resulting in limited disposals. In effect, the financial statements will provide more
Section 360-10-35-17 of the Code states that an impairment loss shall be recognized if the carrying value of a fixed asset is not recoverable and exceeds its fair value. The carrying value of the fixed asset is not recoverable if it exceeds the sum of the undiscounted cash flows expected to result from the use and disposal of the asset. An impairment loss shall be measured by the amount by which the carrying value exceeds the fair value.
In advising the board on whether this is a financially sound decision; I do not think that this would be a great decision for the community to make, and would risk the district losing several millions of dollars over the next three years. With the five percent increase year one over the current salary schedule, and only a two percent increase in revenue the district would lose $91,123. This is because of the increase in salary, retirement, and social security; mixed with stagnate insurance cost, and only a 2% increase of revenue would equate to the district losing 91,123 in the first year.
* As a result of the business combination, the acquiring company determines their pre-existing deferred tax assets are more-likely-than-not to be realized by the combined entity and the valuation allowance should be reduced or eliminated.
I am in receipt of the Court Order in the above referenced matter dated January 26, 2017 appointing me to conduct a forensic evaluation. To date, the evaluation has begun and appointments are ongoing and have been scheduled through the end of July.
I requested a check on 01/19/16. Sangeeta said she did not received a check payment for this invoice and did not make a payment to this account. I called AmeriPower and I was told this account has been passed due on three different occasion. I resend this check request to Sangeeta for payment again today.
for – iterates through a collection or iterable object or generator function. For loops can be used when the number of iterations are well identified
Through using the IDEA software, I was able to dive deeper into the recorders of Troy Township. I was able to import Troy’s fiscal year transaction data and run multiple analysis on the data. IDEA is an easy-to-use software that took the difficulty out of the sorting and configuring reports that could show exactly what I was looking for. I was able to create many useful reports that helped me get to the bottom of the fraud that I believe was happening at Troy Township. The records I will be evaluating are; a record count report, a material amount report, a highest expenditure report, a day specific report, a Benford’s report, a duplicate report, and a name specific report. All these reports have their own bit of useful information that had led me to the conclusion that fraud is occurring at Troy.
Gina wakes up at 7 am Monday-Thursday for her Marketing class that begins promptly at 8:30 am. The first thing she checks is her IPhone, to see what her friends have been up to on their spring break. She answers any texts she received throughout the night and finally gets up and begins her day. Gina rides to school in a 2013 Fusion, which she pays for herself, which is why she wasn’t able to go on spring break this year because she needed to put money aside for the car. Even though she didn’t get to go on vacation this year she still loves hearing the updates from her friends, it makes her feel connected in a sense.
The authoritative guidance for asset impairment is to ensure that impairment is recorded and dealt with as depreciation. The scope of the standard is writing off of assets and depreciation. According to the guidance of 360-10-35, it address how long-lived assets that are intended to be held and used in an entity’s business shall be reviewed for impairment. The impairment loss can only be recognized if the carrying amount of a long-lived assets is not recoverable and
| |A. |[pic]|provide feedback by comparing results with plans and by highlighting deviations from plans |
Analyze the balance sheet and income statement of the company that you have selected, and outline your method for evidence collection which should include, but not be limited to, the type of evidence to collect and the manner in which you would determine the sufficiency of the evidence.
Right from the beginning of this course I had a terrible feeling that I was not going to learn what I had to or finish it with a good grade. It all began when I found out that I had to be in contact with an administrator in order to obtain the data needed to complete the final project. Dirksen (2014) wrote that one should never give up, even when everything seems against you. That is exactly what I did. I tried and fortunately, I was able to find help, gain a lot of knowledge from the material I had to read, good advices from my assistant principal, and learn how analyze school data in detail and put together a Data-Driven Decision Making Team together (3D). Also, and probably the most important, I learned to think more like a leader than a teacher.
In Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a group of statistical sample used to resolve the differences between group means and their connected steps like variation between groups. The observed variance in a specific variable is divide into components attributable to various fountain of variation.
This paper is about the how the overall objectives of the entire course correlates with the assignments disseminated to students over the past eight weeks. The first paragraph of the first section of this paper depicts how the assignment in week correlated with the class objectives for the week one by emphasizing the major elements of local, national and global environmental emergency prepared as donated in the objectives. The subsequent paragraphs of this paper also show how the assignment for week two through week eight correlated with the objectives set forth for the class.
This is a good sign towards future operation as the company cleaned up older and ineffective accounts and obligations to boost profits and shareholders’ equity.