
Accommodating the Daily Challenges of the Hearing Impaired Essay

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People who are hearing impaired experience issues at school, work, and in their personal life. Although there are varying degrees of hearing impairments, there are several accommodations that could be made to support individuals with hearing loss. Each individuals is unique therefore, accommodations may vary from person to person. The March of Dimes defines a hearing impairment as “the decreased ability to hear and discriminate among sounds.” There are several degrees of hearing loss but the most important thing to remember is that any individual with a hearing impairment will need accommodations that a person without a hearing impairment won’t. People often have preconceived ideas about people with disabilities and that can …show more content…

It restricts questions that can be asked about an applicant's disability before a job offer is made, and it requires that employers make reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities, unless it results in undue hardship” (US department of education, 2011).
It’s important that individuals with disabilities and their support system are educated regarding their rights to education and work.

Issues At School
Individuals with hearing impairments will require more attention and assistance than students without hearing loss. It can be easy to assume that a child can keep up with the class if everything is written on the board. Children may also avoid sitting where they can see the board because they do not want to draw attention to themselves. Unfortunately, teachers may subconsciously point out to the class the accommodations of the student with a disability (Murphy, 2006).
One aspect that is especially important is an issue that may arise during an emergency. For hearing impaired individuals an emergency can be scary and confusing because they may not know what to do. An educator must not assume that the student will understand what to do by following classmates. The student must be taught what to do in an emergency in a way that he/she will understand.

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