
Accomplishments of Jean Piget: Genetic Epistomology

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Jean Piaget was one of the most influential theorist of the 20th Century. A constructivist, he was born in Switzerland in 1896, he published his first paper at the age of 10 on an Albino Sparrow. At the age of 16 he was offered a position as curator of a museum but had to turn down as he was still at school. Piaget went on to University and studied Biology, Psychology and Philosophy and rather than choose one he combined all three into a new discipline which he called “genetic epistemology”, meaning “the developmental theory of knowledge”, how we know the world.
Piaget said we can classify education into two main categories, passive education relying on memory and active education …show more content…

Children become familiar with the world through movement and sensations. An example of this would be a child playing with a rattle, the child realises after a certain time that it is then that creates the noise by shaking the rattle. Children also learn that things continue to exist even though they cannot be seen “object permanence”, for example the hidden keys under the blanket, children automatically think once an object is out of view that it is gone for ever. They are too young to know the difference. They are only focused on what is in front of them. As the months pass by they become aware that although an object is out of sight it does not necessarily mean that it is gone forever.
The next stage, the pre-operational stage is where children learn to use colours and pictures to represent objects. Children at this stage tend to be all about themselves and they struggle to see things from the perspective of others. The development of language is also a key part of the pre-operational stage. Examples of this stage in learning include; children role playing – i.e.”mummy”, “daddy” “doctor” “nurse” another example would be using a certain object for another purpose, i.e. a mop for a broomstick.
The third stage, is the Concrete operational, this is when children begin to think logically about things. Some children remain at this stage throughout their school years and also throughout life.

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