In order for medical facilities to be seen as credible they must be accredited. It the same with doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals they must obtain a particular license to be seen as credible and competent in the service they are providing to their patients. In this essay I will define accreditation while also providing the history of it. I will also discuss the difference between accreditation and licensure and speak about the current and future challenges with accreditation. “Accreditation is the formal declaration by a designated authority that an organization, service, or individual has demonstrated competency, authority, or credibility to meet a predetermined set of standards” (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 513). Accreditation is used in many different areas throughout our economy such as the food industry, …show more content…
Accreditation and quality measures have been expressed in concerns for the absence of relation to one another. Another concern is surveyor issues. “Reliability is noted as being a critical issue in accreditation, and in health care more broadly” (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p.524). Another significant issue is “separating the costs and benefits associated with accreditation and those incurred independently as part of an organization’s ongoing quality and safety efforts” (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013, p. 524). When looking to the future of accreditation in health care the biggest concern lies within the survey process. Improvement in consistency is the key. “The ultimate goal is to push healthcare organizations to embed foundational standards and continuous survey readiness into their organizations and daily operations so that accreditation is seen as less of an event and more of a validation of the safe and effective care organizations provide every day” (Reichard,
The article The standard of healthcare accreditation standards by Greenfield, Pawsey, Hinchcliff, Moldovan, Braithwaite (2012) talks about how health care accreditation standards are advocated and used as a way to express the importance of improving clinical practices as well as organizational performance in Hospitals. These agencies have documented methodologies that will help develop
According to Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, and O’Grady (2016), the accreditation process is a voluntary process an organization participates in to demonstrate the standards established by the profession. Consequently, accreditation is complex as health care providers and organizations must follow trends and issues about health policy and standards of care (Mason et al., 2016). For many providers and organization, the benefits of obtaining accreditation often outweigh the costs (Klein & Grace, 2009).
“While accreditation is technically a voluntary process, through which accrediting bodies like The Joint Commission visit a facility to perform quality and process checks, it is also relied upon by state agencies in all fifty states in lieu of specific state licensure requirements (Hay, n.d.).” All organizations must meet certain standards in order to even open its doors. It is very important for healthcare organizations to be accredited by someone. The Joint Commission is the most popular and well known. Facilities that are accredited by someone other than The Joint Commission many not give the highest care which leads to more readmissions costing more. “In a retrospective analysis at 24 accredited trauma centers in the United States, accreditation was significantly associated with higher survival rates for patients presenting with six types of trauma injuries (Alkhenizan,
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) core measures are geared at measurement of quality of care in specific areas. Development of the measures involves a rigorous process of incorporating information from stakeholders such as clinicians and medical societies, and
JCAHO is an abbreviation for Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations is a non-for-profit organization that seeks to continuously improve the safety and quality of care provided to the public through the provision of health care accreditation and related services that support performance improvement in health care organizations. It is an organization made up of individuals from the private medical sector to develop and maintain standards of quality in medical facilities in the United States. Although JCAHO has no legal enforcement power, and has no official connection to the US Government regulatory agencies, many medical facilities
The credentialing process can be divided into two smaller components which entail initial credentialing and the credentialing of medical practitioners. al practitioners. To make sure that qualified practitioners are providing care at the institution in question, the process is slightly different for these two separate entities. Initial credentialing requires primary source verification of education and and board certification as well as looking at past employment records and competencies in various professional areas. “Primary source is defined as either the source of the information being verified, such as a license board, or as a secondary data repository that has been approved to act as a primary source by the relevant auditing organization”
The importance of receiving accreditation from the Joint Commission is critical for medical facilities because it represents high standards of quality assurance which
According to The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties 2012, Quality Competencies refers to the utilization of best available evidence in order to improve quality of clinical practice. It also includes differentiating and evaluating a relationship between cost, quality, and safety and their impact on health care (NONPF, 2012). During part of my clinical time I had an excellent opportunity to participate in patient care at St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I was stationed within the emergency department and one question that presented itself for every single patient was, is this test going to change how I treat the patient? Another question was directed towards what is the most up to date evidence regarding this
Safe quality care requires developing measures by which to assess accuracy of standards (Quraishi et al., 2014). By assessing the performance of quality and safety programs, techniques that identify preventable errors, or inefficient programs, can be used to implement more effective strategies and tools, positively impacting population health outcomes (Hughes, 2008). Measuring quality care can be difficult. Four factors must be measured in order accurately access quality care, these include health behaviors of the population, the medical environment, social and economic factors, and the physical environment (Nash et al.,
The purpose of accreditation as defined by Argawal (2010), is to provide a self-assessment and external peer assessment process to accurately assess health care organizations level of performance in relation to established empirical based standards and to implement ways to continuously improve patient care. At the center of accreditation “improving patient care”
Quality measures are strategies that gauge, evaluate or compute health care processes, results, discernments, patient insight, and administrative structure. In addition, quality measures are frameworks that are connected with the capacity to deliver first-class health care and/or that are able to identify with one or more quality objectives for medicinal services. These objectives include: compelling, protected, effective, quiet focused, impartial, and opportune consideration. Quality measures can be used to measure quality improvement, public reporting, and pay-for-reporting programs specific for health care providers (, 2016). There are an assortment of quality measures in which health care organizations can use to determine the status of the care they are delivering. Many are appropriate, but few are chosen for this research paper. Among them are: National Health Care Surveys, Hospital IQR Programs, Scorecards, and Political, Power, and Perception/Data for Decision-making tools.
Accreditation is a very important because is a process of review that allows the healthcare organization to prove their abilities to meet the standard requirements set by the government or other higher organizations. These days if you are part of a hospital, or a private industry accreditation give you the freedom; give you the reputation the credibility, it showed that you are at another level especially in the health care industry. There is different type of accreditation for example Joint Commission accreditation can be earned by many type of health care organizations, including doctor’s office, nursing homes, hospitals, outpatient surgery centers. Below are the different types of Commissions that are accredited.
Quality assurance is very important in the health care industry. The industry has seen vast development,
As a nurse, I believe that accreditation process has true value. Accreditation is an important process designed to contribute to quality improvement in health care facilities. It has been vital to the process of ongoing quality improvement ever since the process was first introduced in the United States following World War I. Surveying is not an area that in the past has been considered or served as an educational opportunity for the health professionals who conduct the surveys. Furthermore, external surveying is not usually undertaken as secondary employment for the purpose of satisfying professional development requirements. However,
“Over the past 20 years, patient satisfaction surveys have gained increasing attention as meaningful and essential sources of information for identifying gaps and developing an effective action plan for quality improvement in healthcare organizations” (Al-Abri, & Al-Balushi, 2014, p. 1). The evaluation tool selected for this project is benchmarking of patient satisfaction scores on a monthly basis. “Benchmarking compares an organization’s key performance measures with those of similar organizations, or against nationally-recognized best practices, targets, or goals” (Kuznets, 2014). The method