
Acculturation In Feel The Noise And 8 Mile

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Feel the Noise and 8 Mile are both films that attempt to display a situation where an unsuspecting character thrives in a very inclusive subgenre of society. B-Rabbit is successfully able to integrate and prove himself in the underground Detroit Hip-Hop scene, while Rob attempts to merge different aspects of Hip-Hop and Reggaeton into a new style of music. Although both films attempt to display aspects of cultural assimilation and acculturation, Feel the Noise fails in that aspect because it un-purposefully appropriates the cultures it attempts to shine a light on. The characters, story arc, and messages in both films help demonstrate how cultural assimilation, appropriation, and acculturation can be positively portrayed in 8 Mile and at the same time negatively represented in Feel the Noise. Cultural assimilation, appropriation, and acculturation all carry the same textbook definition, but due to recent changes in the ways these words are used in popular culture and on the Internet these words have …show more content…

A common mistake self-proclaimed socially aware individuals make is the distinction between culture and race. This is the biggest misstep when an individual attempts to understand cultural assimilation, cultural appropriation, or acculturation. These terms are not defined as the act of one’s race using the intellectual property that somehow “belongs" to another race. These words rather represent the molding of two separate cultures into one. B-Rabbit has grown up in the poverty stricken streets of urban Detroit his entire life, and he grew up listening to Hip-Hop his entire life as well. B-Rabbit is not only a legitimate representation of an honest and self-understanding human being, I would argue he is an architect representation of hip-hop culture, and urban expression that we as a people have labeled as a "Darker skinned

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