
Acknowledgement Of The Almighty Grant You Peace And Happiness

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Acknowledgement First and foremost, I want to thank ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY for giving me the strength and courage to get where I am today; My thanks go to all those who contributed to the success of this work, In particular: My loving mother, the one that has always been present for me and continues to be present for my happiness. Thank you for all the sacrifices you made for your children grow and prosper. Finally! Thank you to just being my mother. May Allah azawajal bless you? My dear father, who sent me to school, and that and that was always behind me telling me that I could do anything I want, that was always pushing me to excel and who always believed in me. I will always remember your advices. I pray that the Almighty grant you peace and happiness. My tutor, Mrs. Ines Ben Rhomdhane professor at the University of Djibouti, I want to express my gratitude for her advices, her willingness to accompany me throughout this work she has shown great professionalism; I thank here all the University of Djibouti; Obviously I would also like to thank Mrs. Dominique Dini without whom all this would not be possible she accorded me here confidence and always helped me when I needed her. Thank you very much Mrs. Dini. And finally i want to thank all the employees of the BCIMR for their kindness toward me and for everything that I have learned thanks to them whether it is professional knowledge or more about me. Introduction Banks play a key role in the financing

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