
Acropolis Research Paper

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Geographically 5th century BC Athens is located in the south eastern corner of Greece. The two main regions of Greece was Athens and Sparta. Today Sparta is a small city surrounded by mountains. In the 5th century there was a rivalry between Sparta and Athens and a war. Sparta did not at all contribute to culture, but was home to the most extraordinary arts and science. The river Cephisus flowed through the city of Athens. The city of Athens was surrounded by walls, although the city also has suburbs which extended well beyond these walls. Athens was like any other Greek city except that it was home to the Acropolis which was a major attraction. The acropolis is located South of the walled area and situated in the centre of ancient Athens. …show more content…

Due to the wars the Parthenon was terribly damaged and was left in ruins. This gave Pericles the opportunity to step up as a leader and showed that he could rebuild and lead a torn apart city. He wanted his people to understand that this was just a small setback in his plans to make Athens the most beautiful city in the whole of Greece. He wanted the Acropolis to become an artistic, cultural and intellectual world, that attracts all types of people. Over the years, there have been many translations over the name ‘acropolis’ and what it means. It simply means, ‘The Sacred rock, high city’. Ancient Greeks believed that the higher above the ground you were the closer you are to god. Hence why the Acropolis is placed high on top of a hill. Throughout all of the invasions of Greece by the Romans, Athens (especially the acropolis) still claims all their glory and were thankfully saved from any major

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