
Across The World, Peoples Of All Backgrounds Universally

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Across the world, peoples of all backgrounds universally recognize the need for morality and ethics in society and governance. Despite this, the exact moral codes that groups of people follow often vary from country to country, region to region, tribe to tribe and so on. This has created cause for many moral and ethical experts to adopt a view of subjective morality, or morality that varies from culture to culture. Despite the problems that immediately arise when exploring this view, including acts condemned in most parts of the world, such as sacrificial killings, rape, and genital mutilation, being considered moral based on a given society’s accepting of it, subjective morality appears to have some truthfulness to it, as societies, do …show more content…

The phenomenon of apparent subjective morality is often explained by its proponents through the existence of different religious doctrine. The contrary of this, though, is quite true, as the inclusion of moral and ethical code in religion across the world, despite a singular unifying religion not being adopted by earth’s societies, is an argument for an objective ethical code independent of societal interpretation. The mandate for some moral or ethical code in all religions is proof that such a code must exist in society, regardless of what that code may include.
The adherence to different religions in different parts of the world introduces a variable to measure morality against, as religion is a social construct that creates different moral standards for a society to adhere to based on what religion it dominantly practices. By comparing the tenants of the worlds’ religions to each other, some basic tenant of objective morality can be established. If no shared tenants could not be found, then it would be proven that objective morality does not exist; this, however, is not the case. In examining shared tenants across religions, two basic, universal tenants can be discovered. These are self-improvement (though through what means is generally dependent upon a specific religion) and general good will towards and treatment of one’s fellow society members.

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