
Act Four Scene Of Macbeth

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Shakespeare is known as one of the best writers of all time, however there are many theories stating that he was not the one who wrote his famous theater acts. Macbeth is one where many people see there are acts, and scenes that someone with so little education could have written, many of these theatrical plays. Macbeth is one of his most well known pieces of literature, the reader is taken into the mind of a serial killer. Macbeth by Shakespeare has many scenes that have a significance in the whole play, act four scene three. In this act, one reads about Macduff leaving his family to travel to England to speak with Malcolm, Duncan’s son. Yet back home in Macduff’s castle, Lady Macduff comes across with Ross, she begs him to tell her why her husband has left her at such a time. Lady Macduff feel’s as if her husband has betrayed him, she jokes with her son, that his father is dead, but he argues and knows he is not. A messenger then rushes into the act, warning her that she is in danger and urges her to leave the castle, but she believe she has done nothing wrong and has nothing to fear. At this time Macbeth’s murderers come in and do as Macbeth’s orders were, to kill everyone in the castle who does not tell them where Macduff is. In …show more content…

These thoughts devour him, but not how they once did, but that now he is comfortable with killing the innocent without second thinking. It’s ironic, because in this scene Macduff’s son explains to the reader that there are more villains in the world than there are heroes. He explains that the villains could just all come together and kill the heroes, this is ironic because this is exactly what Macbeth is doing. King Duncan was a nice guy, he never second guessed it, he trusted Macbeth and he killed him, Banquo his best friend and killed him. Macbeth has no mercy or conscience at this point in his

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