
Acting on Emotion

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Acting on Emotions Sophocles designs his plays to instruct his audience members to behave morally correct. People’s actions are ruled by their emotions (jealousy, suspicion, anger, pride, and love) and it leads to negative effects for them. But when acting in a sage demeanor, it gives evidence to a person’s character. Sophocles writes his characters to be ruled by their emotions and to teach people to behave in a prudent demeanor. Sophocles designs his plays to have the people of authority act in an immorally correct fashion. For example, Oedipus is one of Sophocles’ characters that allowed his actions to be ruled by his emotions when he was traveling along the road. Laius’ group passed and the leader and the master ordered him out of …show more content…

Creon threatened and tried to kidnap Oedipus with pride and anger controlling his actions. Because of that Creon doesn’t get Oedipus’ body and he makes an enemy of a very powerful city-state, Athens, against him. (Pages 93-105) King Theseus is one of Sophocles’ characters that behaves with a prudent demeanor. He thinks things through and doesn’t let his emotions get the best of him. Theseus knows the story of Oedipus, and yet doesn’t let the thought of Oedipus bringing bad luck to Athens affect his opinion of him, as the Chorus does. He listened to Oedipus and lets him stay in Colonus, instead of sending him away. It was wise for him to do so and therefore he got something back for thinking things through. In return, he got Oedipus’ body after he died and only he knew of Oedipus’ final resting place. (Pages 88-92) Sophocles’ plays are designed to educate his audience members to conduct themselves in a morally correct fashion. Acting in a prudent demeanor reveals sagacity in the character. Sophocles shows that characters in his plays who don’t act in a morally correct manner experience negative events after they act in such a way. These people are often people of authority (Oedipus and Creon), so that the audience comprehends that even people in authority are subject to their emotions. Sophocles shows that you will be rewarded if you act in a morally correct manner just like Theseus. He instructed the audience, that it is better to act in

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