
Activity: Basketball

Decent Essays

Brent Granario

GCSE Physical Education: Coursework

Chosen Activity: Basketball

Analysis Section:

Strength One – Fitness Component: Agility

In my chosen activity of Basketball, I have identified agility as my main strength.

Agility is the ability for a player to move and change direction quickly.

As a point guard, I have to be changing direction all the time all around the court. This means I need to be able to run around the court to create space, or even to get into space myself. I go through different phases in a game where I need to change direction quickly in order to lose the defender. Having great agility allows me to support teammates that are in trouble, this could be from being trapped by defenders in a double team, …show more content…

It is quite vital for a basketball player to have good ability of agility as there are scenarios where you will always need to move the ball, in order to that you need to create space between yourself and the defender. Also, there is a shot clock of 24 seconds for each possession, this means that the tempo of the game is very quick and you will need to have great ball movement between teammates so that you can go and take a layup or have a wide open shot, this puts pressure on the opposition. Another of having a good level of agility is being able to use those fractions of seconds to create a backdoor-cut towards the basket. This could gain us an easy 2 point towards the scoreboard. An example of using my good level of agility is when my team were slowing down the tempo of the game, the team start moving around to create more space, this gives me and opportunity to run one direction slowly but then quickly changing direction and …show more content…

They had players that were supposedly unfit so it was easy to get away from them and create space. Our ball movement as a team was outstanding, when creating space on the court, I found that there were more of my teammates wide open to take a shot which leads us to more opportunities to score. My extra speed and great level of agility helps to get to the basket a lot easier. Being a lot faster than the opposition was crucial to manoeuvre around the court without worrying about defenders tracking me, I was able to be wide open for a free jump shot. Using agility, I caused defenders to run into each other which caused a mix-up to occur defence this lead to more shots and opportunities to

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