
Acupuncture Pressure Point

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Acupressure, like acupuncture, uses pressure point locations to manipulate Qi (energy) that flows through the energy pathways inside of your body. In traditional Chinese medicine, these pathways are known as meridians. When pressure is applied to the pressure points it triggers a variety of effects in your body and mind, this form of alternative medicine is believed to be an effective way to reduce decrease stress, reduce pain and tension, boost circulation and improve the immune system.

Stress is a natural physical response to out of control and/or overwhelming situations. At a normal level, stress is beneficial at increasing productivity and improving focus, but when stress levels are high, it takes a tolls on your quality of life. When …show more content…

Applying pressure to this point will help balance energy circulation and relieve your mind from anxiety and worry.

Union Valley-this pressure point is located on the webbing between your thumb and index finger. Use your thumb and index finger from the opposite hand to apply pressure for three minutes and take deep breaths while applying pressure. Accessing this pressure point will help to relieve stress and tension in your body.
Central Treasury-the Central Treasury pressure point is located two-finger widths under the area where your arm meets your chest. Using the tip of your index finger, apply moderate pressure on either one side or both sides together to increase blood circulation and help balance unstable emotions.

In order to receive the full benefit of an acupressure session, it is important to do some simple stretching and breathing exercises before each acupressure session. Although the above acupressure methods are beneficial for relieving stress, the optimum way to take advantage of this type of alternative medicine is to combine professional acupuncture sessions with the DIY acupressure

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