Sixteen year-old Adam Daley, son of a pilot and police officer, was helping his best friend Todd with his assignments at school when all computers and electronics suddenly turned off and stopped working. The students are dismissed from school because not even the lights will turn on, and people find out that anything relying on computers, such as automobiles and planes, will not work. Fortunately for Adam, his vehicle is a 1981 Omega, which is able to function because it is not controlled by a computer. Using his car, Adam drives Todd and Lori Peterson, a girl that Adam has a crush on, back to each of their homes. When Adam arrived back home, the suburb Eden Mills, he spoke with his neighbour Herb Campbell, a retired government employee with …show more content…
This is important to the plot because if they left Eden Mills, the source of conflict would be different. The productivity of the community would decrease due to the smaller number of people, and the reduced space and resources could have also presented additional challenges. Therefore, the decision to stay is significant to the plot because the alternative would have resulted in a different conflict and thus a different …show more content…
To start, Herb is a very calm and assertive person, he is able to keep his composure in high stress situations and he can confidently express his plans and opinions in a discussion. To contrast, I usually struggle to keep myself in a collected state under stress and I tend to avoid expressing my opinions. Herb is very wise and is capable of anticipating how people act, which helps him resolve many conflicts peacefully and form effective plans. I, however, am not as efficient as Herb in resolving conflict and forming plans as I lack his mastery of thinking like others and anticipating their course of action. Herb is often willing to make sacrifices for his own interests. I am both similar and different to Herb in this aspect, as I am inclined to make small sacrifices or compromises if the end result is beneficial; however, Herb planned to sacrifice hundreds of people and their families to ensure the survival of a small group, which is something I would not consider doing. As such, Herb can be seen as a realist, he carefully analyzes the provided information and considers many possible outcomes, this is something that I have in common with Herb, as I often will consider the consequences before I act. As it can be seen, Herb and I have differences and similarities; Herb is wise and assertive, while I am often shy and reluctant to speak,
What are the most five important things that have happened to your character in his or her life so far?
Our actions and interactions with others and society are what define us. Society’s perception of an individual may contrast with that individual’s perception of self. Our actions and interactions with others create certain stigmas which may not change despite progression and change an individual has undergone. But however at the end of the day we are our own creators and we chose who we interact with.
“The Other Wes Moore” is a book written by Wes Moore. This story is based on him and another boy who grew up with the same name, Wes Moore. In this book he explains both his and the other Wes Moore’s childhood. Both of them had a similar childhood and experienced some of the same things. They both grew up without fathers, got involved in drugs, violence, and lived in poverty. Despite having the same circumstances one Wes Moore went to military school and turned his whole life around while the other ended up in prison for the rest of his life. Was this because of fate or was one Wes Moore more determined than the other? Neither. We all have the free will
The main idea in West Moore's novel, “The Other Wes Moore” is about the different paths that people take, despite going through similar events. Author Wes Moore founded a homogeneous circumstance between himself and the Other Wes Moore, who was in prison for convicted criminals. The Other Wes Moore and Author Wes Moore both experienced a tough childhood. They both grew up in downtown Baltimore and was raised by single mother. Succumbed to their curiosity, they both got involved with drugs; however, individually, they ended up taking different roads towards their future. Author Wes Moore became a successful business leader and juxtaposed to Other Wes Moore, he was sentenced to life in prison for robbery. The novel is presented to us that tragedies
Jimmy knows too well the agonies of abandonment. First, when his mother, Cecilia, ran away with Richard to pursue a better lifestyle. Then, due to his father’s, Damacio Baca, alcoholisms and violent behavior; he also had to leave Jimmy behind. In spite of the drawbacks from abandonment to being a maximum security prisoner in Arizona State Prison, Jimmy preserver’s the darkness of prison by overcoming his illiteracy. However Cecilia and Damacio is not as fortunate as their child; Cecilia is shot by Richard after confronting him for a divorce and Damacio chokes to death after he is released from the detox center(Baca 263). Therefore the most significant event in this section of the memoir, A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca is the death of Jimmy’s parents.
Authors in many instances use the main elements in the story such as setting and narrative to prove a point in the story. For example, writers often use characters, their actions, and their interaction with other characters to support or prove a theme. In the short story “Our Thirteenth Summer”, Barry Callaghan effectively uses characters to develop the theme that childhood is fragile and easily influenced. One of the ways that Callaghan makes effective use of characters to develop the theme is by describing the tension between Bobbie and his parents. This usage of characters supports the theme because Bobbie’s childhood is no longer free to do what he wishes, but has to bow down to his parents’
Arthur Bauer was hanging out with his friend Erik Fisher. He knew that he would be unpopular if he did not obey Erik. Recently, Arthur even killed a man named Luiz Cruz. He always hated to carry out these evil plans, but he felt forced to do it to protect his status. The first thing that Erik got Arthur to do was to make fun of the death of his old friend, Mike Costello. “Ha! Do you remember the picture of his face! Priceless!” Erik laughed. “Pretty soon we’ll get to see the close up!”
If had to choose a Character from the book Schooled By Gordon Korman to be my best friend it would have to Capricorn Anderson.I would pick Capricorn Anderson (known as Cap) because he is very nice and he is not like the usual boys at the school mean,jockey,and reckless.Capricorn is nice,friendly,and generous.Just like when Capricorn found a dead bird in his locker and in the middle of school he host a ceremony for the dead bird that some kids at his school put in his locker.Also Cap really loves his family and the foster home he had to go live in.Sophie is the daughter of the foster mom and her dad left her when she was a little girl.Every year she waits for him to show up at her door on her birthday.Well this year Cap was living there when
Through Wes Moore’s The Other Wes Moore, the author tells the story of himself and another man with the same name and a strikingly similar upbringing. In chapter 6 it is revealed that the parental and authority figures in both their lives greatly affected and shaped who they became. By comparing and contrasting the tough choices they made, complications they face at home and at school, and their new authoritative positions, the author uses the two Wes Moore’s lives in Chapter 6 to appeal to pathos, allowing the reader to feel a connection with each character and develop an understanding of both Moore’s accomplishments and hardships.
Randy Pausch. Who is he? What does he stand for? The day he gave the last lecture... His last lecture he only had months to live. He packed a lot of lessons into his lecture. The claims he gave that stood out were to be optimistic, to be determined, and to take risks.
Best adjective to describe Alex Honnold is brave. In D. Duane (2015), Alex Honnold climbed cliffs using climbing equipment. Through is journey, he became a free-soloist. Free soloist only uses gymnast’s chalk, short and a shirt. Not many people are brave enough to climb the tall cliffs like Alex Honnold. He conquered “most challenging climb ever” (para. 4). Alex Honnold excelled his goal by teaming with others to climb and break” speed records on the world’s greatest cliffs” (para. 4). He views his journey as an “once-in-a lifetime adventure” (para. 5). His main goal is to climb “seven El Captain routes in seven days” (para. 7). As a successful free-soloist, Alex Honnold tries to remember moves, before climbing. Free soloing is very risky.
Shawn Spencer, the main character in the TV show Psych, is a hyper observant individual who pretends to be psychic for the Santa Barbara Police Department. He uses his episodic memory, extraversion, and self-regulation in order to solve crimes and be successful in his endeavors.
This realistic fiction novel, by Edward Bloor, describes the problems and relationships that Paul discovers when unlocking the meaning of truth, no matter the obstacles people put up to block him from it. The motif of “sight”, is what introduces Paul to the universal statement of truth and makes him aware of what the people surrounding him can and cannot “see”. Paul Fisher, the main character, uses the motif of sight to have a new understanding of his friends, family, and himself.
Will-power and determination plays a major role when it comes to people accomplishing goals and performing the tasks they are given. When a person possesses these two qualities they are motivated, focused, will not give up easily, determined along with many other things. The word determination is defined as, “the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose.” Will-power is, “the strength or will to carry out one’s decisions, wishes, or plans.” In the short story A Worn Path by Eudora Welty, the main character Phoenix carried out the meaning of these two words throughout the whole story. She had experienced many road blocks during her journey, but she did not let them stop her from reaching
Melinda is a first year recruit in secondary school, who is experiencing a great deal of changes managing pre-adulthood and troublesome circumstances. She experiences difficulty fitting in with different associates, she is appalled by her own particular appearance; for instance "I search for shapes in my face, certainly not a dried face", Melinda conveys what needs to be in a frightful route as a result of the way Andy assaulted her and caused a colossal effect on her life . Luckily, she has an instructor who gives exhortation as lessons to enable them to have the capacity to stand up to each other. Mr. Freeman," the coolest craftsmanship educator", is a skilled craftsman, carefully affected. That makes discretionary school less asking for