
Adolescent Behavior And Its Effects On Human Behavior

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In modern society, where there are more and more new infectious diseases to emerge, people are more interested in learning and practicing behavior to stay away from contracting the infection. Modifying behavior seems to play the most important role in preventing acquiring those kind of infectious disease. Many people are aware of the potential risk of unsafety sex attitude; some don’t, especially young people. It is trendy now that more young males are likely to risk their life by getting involved in unsafety sexual behavior. The risk even more increases when they combine drugs with sexual encounters on purpose, of enhancing performance, or lengthening duration. Most of those drug is known to interfere with the process of judgement …show more content…

These risk is especially high in the minority (i.e., gay and bisexual) male youth. This study and research has come to a conclusion that alcohol and steroids has increased the rate of taking HIV risk when misuse of these drugs right before sex encounter. These research has contributed to evaluating the difference in sexual orientation leading to different risk sexual behavior (Blashill, 2015) Substances that associated with the sexual risk behaviors are not limited to illicit drugs but also included the prescription drugs. Sex under the influence of prescription drugs would most likely lead to sexual risk behavior such as having sex with many partners and no protection. Well ’s research has indicated that more and more young peoples have sex without condoms and many of them have “bare back” sex after using prescription drugs. It is quite a surprise to find out in this research that those studied subjects are associated with such activities including many who are “white race, younger age, higher parental class, and being a heterosexual man (2015)”
Although the association between the risk sexual behavior and substance abuses is obvious but how the drugs have an effect on the drug abuser’s brain is still not completely understood. Many clinical trials tried to identify where the brain region affects the most, and which affects more serious than the others. These

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