
Adoption Vs Foster Care

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Since 1980, the United States has offered adoption subsidies to significantly lower the cost of adopting a child in the foster care system. These subsidies are a form of economic incentive and can cover legal, medical, and educational expenses. This system was put in place to increase the adoption of children in the foster care system (Argys). The federal government’s intention behind these cash incentives is to move children through the foster care system and into permanent homes. The number of annual adoptions nationally almost doubled from 1995 to 2001 (Kaufman). For International adoptions, the government will reimburse adoptive parents for travel costs, lodging, food, and transportation while in the foreign country. Many countries require …show more content…

In December 1995, two parents who had already adopted a young girl adopted another child. Over four years the parents adopted four more young children from the foster care system. While being evaluated for adopting a seventh child, it was discovered that they had been starving the children on a diet of peanut butter and plaster wallboard (Kaufman). Although this is a very severe case of neglect and abuse of adoption subsidies, less extreme situations similar to this one are common. Many instances have shown parents adopting many children and not treating them all with love, but rather acquiring the children for the financial subsidies. Another extreme case was a couple in Houston that were allowed to adopt six, severely handicapped children. Although there had been many complaints of abuse and rat-infested conditions in the home, the state finally removed the children from the home when the couple beat one to death in 2000. According to an internal review by the adoption agency, there had been no violations of their procedures in approving the adoptions (Kaufman). The adoption agency responsible for …show more content…

The major stressors of hospitalized children include fear of the unknown and unfamiliar people. Lying to children about upsetting realities, such as their diagnosis or a procedure that is occurring, is ineffective and does not help children deal with stress. Educating children on their treatment better prepares them for stressful situations while hospitalized. While nurses identify crying as a sign of stress, child life specialist recognize crying as an effective coping mechanism for stress (Kaddoura). While both nurses and child life specialists are helpful to treating a child, child life specialists focus on children’s emotions while nurses focus on medical care. The issue here is that not all hospitals have child life specialists, so the emotions of children are disregarded. Although medical care is obviously a priority while a child is hospitalized, a child’s emotion and stress are very important to their recovery and health. Research shows that focusing on children’s emotions with the use of child life specialists makes a difference for children and families. Child life programs have been shown to reduce children’s pain, decrease the emotional distress children feel while in the hospital, and lower parents’ anxiety about their children’s hospital stays

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