
Advantages And Disadvantages Of CPEC

Decent Essays

A few numbers of Pakistanis consider CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) will prove as East India Company for Pakistan. Moreover, the others have a few reservations as the poor strategies and interest rate of the lease for CPEC are not in the favour of national interests. Here, we will scrutinize multi-facet aspects of China Pakistan Economic Corridor. Firstly, I will suggest that you visit the website of CPEC. After that, you will realize that CPEC is the part of OBOR (One belt one road). 64 countries will be connected by OBOR –A dream of China- with each other. Reality is that OBOR consists of 6 corridors and CPEC is one of its Corridors. Length of CPEC is almost 2400Km. This 2400Km long CPEC has various other projects namely highways, Railways, and Energy Projects. These CPEC projects will bring prosperity in Pakistan. CPEC -A multi-billion project- will be a game changer for the South Asia region. Kashgar will be joined by CPEC with Gwadar by 2030. Firstly, we will discuss all the viable routes of CPEC. …show more content…

However, three suggested routes are given below;
i) Central Route:
• Length of this rout is 2,756Km
• It passes through Indus Highway.
• It will touch different cities of Punjab province. ii) Eastern Route:
• Length of this rout is 2781
• It passes through Motorway.
• This lengthy route is in favour of Punjab Province. iii) Western Route:
• The shortest route and length is about 2474Km.
• This route passes through Quetta.
• It is in favour of a less privileged province of Pakistan,

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