
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gics

Decent Essays

Global In-house Centers or GICs in India are 3-4 times more cost effective than their western counterparts, but when it comes to automating processes, there’s still a long way to go. While we are steadily moving forward to a time when automated solutions can be implemented on a broader scale across industries, GICs in the Indian market right now also have a long way to go. Globally, this space has a $34 billion valuation, with India occupying a mammoth 40% of market share. With the implementation of AI, machine learning and cognitive abilities, GICs in India can massively ramp up their market share even further.

Potential Areas for Automation

The very nature of GICs implies that they provide support to the core business of the parent organization, hence they cannot afford to overlook investments towards technology and automation to improve productivity. This automation is usually triggered by a few necessities and they are also applicable in order for automation tools and processes to be feasible and successful. GICs thus need their automation to fulfill three key parameters – it should tackle tasks that a majority of people would not be inclined or motivated to perform, it should provide the most bang for the buck in the form of tangible ROI, and it should be future-looking and scalable. Otherwise it simply isn’t worth the investment of time and money that it requires. …show more content…

This is thanks to the advent of robotic processes and cognitive learning. Data is key here, and GICs have such critical data (especially in comparison to third party providers when it comes to business sensitive data) in abundance. They can then utilize this data to get insights which can then be used to develop rules, which in turn can determine the success of

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