
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Preventing Credit Cards

Decent Essays

As more and more professionals are availing credit cards, the researchers conducted a survey regarding the advantages and disadvantages of using credit card, reason for availing thes credit cards and the information of the card holders in paying their credit card debt in order to know the status of the sample whether many of them are stucked in a piled up credit card debt to be able to know the factors that affect credit card handling and the possible solutions for increasing amount of past due debts.
What kind of credit cards are you using and from which bank do you avail it? Using the data gathered from the respondents, seventeen of them answered that they are using credit cards from Metrobank. Six said that they use Mastercard, one for Eastwest and one for RCBC.It is obvious that most of the respondents considers Metrobank among the other choices and that Metrobank gained popularity among them. Meaning, consumers are likely to prefer a bank that is popular among th existing financial institutions that offers credit cards, and it may be possible that they are quite careful in choosing which bank to avail credit cards. …show more content…

From the given data, twenty-one among twenty- five of the respondents answered that they use credit cards for emergency purposes. Two answered that they avail credit cards because they sometimes do not have cash on hand, one said that it is for the purchase of basic commodities and lastly, one said that the primary reason why he avail credit card is because of crdit card offers.It is noticeable that most of them prefer using credit cards for emergency purposes, on the other hand, the remaining number of people under consideration use credit cards for personal purposes and for the want of having promotional offers.
For how many years have you been using your credit

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