
Advantages Of A Small Dining Room

Decent Essays

Of all the dining room tips available, the following ideas for a small dining room are probably the most useful to most people. Few people have large separate dining rooms, such facilities either comprising part of the kitchen or the living room, or are small rooms with limited floor area.

1. Use Light Colors

Light colors tend to open out a room while dark shades tend to make it look smaller. However, light need not mean drab, and whites and pastels can be accented with a bright contrasting color. This is particularly effective when color is use to draw attention to specific decorative elements.

Don't overuse color, though. You can have one colorful wall with others in white or a neutral shade, or use brightly-colored dining chairs with light …show more content…

5. Small Dining Room Acoustics

One of the more useful dining room tips that you do not often find is to deaden the acoustics in the room. A small room with plain walls and woodblock flooring will reflect sound waves, so that conversation will appear to boom and reverberate, particularly as the evening goes on and the wine starts to take effect!

While a highly polished or even rustic wood table looks nice, it is more practical to use a tablecloth. This not only protects the table from scratches and dropped food, but also absorbs sound waves. Fabric wall-coverings also look good while wallpaper is better that paint or paneling. Each of these helps to deaden sound so that you can hear what people are saying without the booming and reflection of their voices.

6. Dining Room Tips:

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