
Advantages Of Agent Based Simulation

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1. Introduction
Since the development of economics as a science, the majority of economists have used analytical models to explain economics hugely based on mathematical principles. Starting from the basic theorem of equilibrium which is very easily developed using mathematical principles only, to the optimization techniques, which involves plain usage of derivatives and other mathematical principles, these techniques lack to make a whole model with many unknowns in order to derive to a complex set of results, in contrary to only one result working in certain assumptions that they offer. Even though most of the theorems we use today in economics derive from analytical methods, the need to make decisions or solve real economical issues nowadays …show more content…

Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
One could simply ask, why use ABM or ACE? As mentioned in the section above, there are several reasons why using ABM has a sort of competitive advantages toward other analytical or statistical based methods.
In ACE, the possibility to include a large number of agents in the model, all in distributed corporation, provides creating of a large-scale system in order to observe micro- or macro-principles. This is quite hard and tedious to be accomplished even using econometric principles with the help of software program, due to the problem of biased results and limitation on the dependent variables. In the context of ACE, several experiments can be conducted with unlimited number of agents involved in the system.
Secondly, ACE can be considered as a great software for any business who would like to make decision-making more strategic based, and furthermore, increase its competitive advantage in the market, by simulation the same conditions of the actual current market, to a virtual world in a simple software. Thereby usage of ACE is not restricted to only research-based works, but can be used as a competitive tool for any business as well. The traditional rules of forecasting or gaining competence in a business do not provide such advanced possibility to forecast and

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