
Advantages Of Crypto Currency Exhange

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Crypto currency will give the consumer the abillity to save whilst they spend. Create coinEX coinEX can then be purchased and used to make purchases as an alternative currency for online, social media and at retail outlets. How do you spend and save? An increase in coiEnX value creates profit on invesment Consumer uses coinEX as a payment method for a purchase . Opportunity for consumer to use profit gained on coinEX as payment and keep exsiting investment to mature again. Further investment possible? It sure is! Our platform will give coinEX user the option to invest there gains/savings into our cypto currency exhange, we will then use there investment and allocate it into the most lucrative coins/ICO`s This will help strenghten the coin even further as all further invesment transactions will be done using the coinEX coin. Who are we? What do we do? Esmail Enterprises working in conjunction with Get Connected is a distribution Company servicing the independent retail sector for …show more content…

The consumer market would now be able to benefit from investing in a Cryptocurrency market which will give them not only an oppotunity to make profit from the investment but now have an option to use profit to do daily purcahses by using a simplyfied paymnet system (as easy as paying by cash). Once coinEX is established and transactions are a normal way of consumer spending habit, the option to allow other Crypto currencies to use our platform at a cost (specified at a later date) would be another opportunity. Strength: Longest standing and have strong awareness in the market place. Weakness: Only geard to taking payment with a very small earning for

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