
Advantages Of Data Base Management System

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According to (Shio Kumar Singh, ), “Databases and database management systems have become essential for managing our business, governments, banks, universities and every other kind of human endeavour”.
The major advantages of Data Base Management System (DBMS) are described below.
This feature allow to store all data in a single database avoiding traditional computer file processing that means each application has its own files and the same files are created in many different places. With DBMS all data are saved in one place in database and it’s not duplicated. In DMBS the data redundancy can be controlled or reduced but is not removed completed. Sometime is necessary duplicating some data to communicate with tables each other by managing redundancy data it is possible to save space and increase performance when queries are needed to retrieve data.
Data consistency is quite dependent of control data redundancy because if the data control redundancy is controlled, data consistency is achieved. “If a data item appears only once, any update to its value has to be performed only once and the updated value (new value of item) is immediately available to all users.”(BlogSpot, 2014)
If the Database management System has reduced to a smallest level possible, the database system put into effect consistency.
That means when the data item displays more than once in the database and is updated, the Database management System automatically

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