Senior Care: Change Theory for Social Change Valencia Wright HUMN 6660: Social Change, Leadership, and Advocacy for Human Services Professionals Professor: Dr. Veronica Carey Walden University September 25, 2016 My issue that I will talk about in my paper is the lack of long term care for the elderly or seniors. I would like to see the elderly have a place to stay and receive all of the services that he/she need to continue to survive. It is a shame that some of our elderly are pushed out of nursing homes or residential care because he/she does not have the proper insurance that will pay for them to stay or just does not have any family that will assist them. Social change in the elderly consist of decreasing of the life span. …show more content…
When an elderly person does not have anyone to talk to for him/her, advocacy is a reasonable way to give voice to our knowledge and values on behalf of and partnership with the ones who voices are not being listen to (Homan, 2016). Elderly are mostly involved with the form of advocacy which is called case advocacy. Case advocacy is a form of advocacy that is practiced by health and human services. This happens when you are not dealing with a situation that requests for you to cooperate to help people get the support they deserve. This could cause to create changes in the situation, this change may not be long lasting and then may not help others that do not have the advocate (Homan, …show more content…
The role of the Professional Patient Advocate is to embody the patient and family and foremost, nonetheless of the organization. This organization must know his/her capacity of practice and work within his/her capacity of practice. Then members of the healthcare team need to utilized because they need to meet the request of a client is beyond the individual advocate amount of practice. The Professional Patient Advocate need to provide the patient and the family with documents of what they discuss and the role of functions. Accountability is when the organization is held responsible for the work that’s be done on their
As a nurse, one way to advocate for the seniors in our care, is to know what resources are available in the county, such as, home health, food programs, transportation assistance, along with providing with a name and contact information of a social worker for the department of human resources, or even having a social meet with them and their family before discharge.
42 USCS 3002, The Public Health and Welfare, Chapter 35, lists the programs for older Americans. The Aging and Disability Resource Center is a part of the State’s system of long term care.
Whereas economic interests and most cause groups, benefit a narrow constituency, public interest groups promote issues of general public concerns, environmental protection, human and consumer rights. Other professionals such as docters, pharmacists, social workers and district nurses. Advocates, if you have a person from social care services or a health team as you care co-ordinator, he/she will liaise on your behalf with other agencies to ensure you receive the most appropriate care. In other words they act as your advocate. Anything discussed with them will be treated as confidential. You may meet with an advocate at the home or in a neutral place. The advocate will work with you until your issue is resolved, this could be weeks, months or in some cases years when there are ongoing issues.
I really enjoyed reading about your grandma. I too understand the love and respect that you cherish for her. I hope my grandpa and grandma live to 94 years or more. I too believe that it’s unfair for younger generations to forget about our elderly people. I sometimes repeat and emphasis on this so much because I have seen some assisted living homes where the elderly people are so sad that you can see in their face the desperation to talk or be love by someone. Defending the rights that elderly people have is sometimes misunderstood and completely taken advantage. It’s sad to see how many children do this to their family members. I couldn’t forget about my grandpa and grandma they play a big role in the women that I am today.
Recently, I have joined the Advocacy Service that is available to individuals aged 18 and over , who don 't necessarily have a mental health problem. The service aims to support people with adequate advice and information, forms filling or helping to understand key information that is relevant in decision-making process , enabling them to say what they want and what they need.
The specific topics I will be talking about is the unfairness of life of an Immigrant family in the United stated of America. While also providing my own life and struggles of income for the family and first generation children, in this case me. Also the struggle of simultstaly going to college and working will be thoroughly discussed. As a result, so will the health effects of both those tools and how they go hand to hand.
The concept of patient advocacy was the focus of the article entitled, “Developing a mid –range theory of patient advocacy through concept analysis” by Xiaoyan Bu and Mary Ann Jezewski published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing 2007. In an attempt to clarify the definition as well as the refine the concept of patient advocacy, the authors synthesized advocacy in nursing literature and sought with this information to establish a theoretical basis for future studies on patient
We find that there are currently staffing shortages and the lack of long-term care facilities to compete with the growing number of senior citizen in our country (Williams, Nowak & Scoby, 2016). With these issues we find that each professional who assist within the field of geriatric care such as advocates and leadership, share a particular part in making a safe environment with adequate accommodations for seniors. There are differences in the leadership and advocacy perspective in senior care, but they both result in the common goal of a meaningful life for seniors daily.
An advocate must have influence or must be in a position to influence decision or action through his or her message. The nurse must develop influencing skills on competence, credibility, and trustworthiness. For example, a veteran’s advocate must have the best interest of the veteran some as to build trust and credibility in order to facilitate change (Tomajan, 2012)
P3: Explain ways in which health and social care workers support the independence and wellbeing of older people. M2: Assess ways in which health and social care workers support the independence and wellbeing of older people. D1: Evaluate ways in which the sectors work together to support the independence and wellbeing of older people. Doris has stayed connected with her friend Frieda who lives on her own independently but recently she has had a fall and she has been referred to the local authorities. P1& M2 When promoting independence and wellbeing in older people it has to be done in a way where the person feels that they are able to do what they are being asked to do and if they say that they don’t
Also communication and involve people and reinforcing the changes are very important strategies of advocacy (Grand Canyon University, 2011). When the nurses choose to take on the role of
The citizen advocate is unpaid and independent of service providers and families and is a
There are many limits to advocacy as there is only so much that can be done and these limits are often caused by the boundaries that are set. There are many different types of boundaries. The first type is professional boundaries. This is
America's population is aging, leading to the need for more elder care services. One service most individuals will need at one time or another is legal aid. A person may need assistance with estate planning and administration, guardianship, conservatorship and commitment matters and long term care matters. Attorneys offering elder care services need to ensure individuals needing this type of help know where to turn for assistance and direct mail can be of great help in getting the word out about one's practice.
* Must act as an advocate for those in one’s care, helping them to access relevant health and social care, information and support.