
Affirmative Action Should Be Abolished

Decent Essays

Affirmative Action
March 6th, 1961 Affirmative Action policies in higher education were implemented (Infoplease). Affirmative Action was designed to provide equal access to universities for historically underrepresented minorities. The argument of whether Affirmative Action should be decimated is a simple one. Students who have the academic credentials and earn their way into college deserve to be accepted. For no reason should previously excluded minorities gain unfair leverage in an attempt to “right past wrongs”. But with Affirmative Action banned in only eight states, we are left with two questions; how exactly Affirmative Action affects the culture within universities to have it seen as an unjust policy, and can diversity continue to survive without this program.
Following the 1964 Civil Rights Act, president Lyndon Johnson put in place important steps in Affirmative Action policies on June 4, 1965. When speaking about Affirmative Action president Johnson said... “you do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and say, you are free to compete with the others, and still justly believe that you have been completely fair.” Implying that the act of not taking action would only freeze the brutality that has been aimed at blacks for years. This metaphor was one of many thoughts original to the late, great Martin Luther King Jr. King thought the best response to stop discrimination, would be

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