
Affirming Diversity

Decent Essays

A well respected and valuable education is what Americans hold to be a treasured asset towards ensuring a great place in the future. We are made to believe that by obtaining an education we will be successful and have no worry. However, what happens when an equitable education is not obtained? Moreover, what happens when we receive doctrines from individuals who have not opened their minds and pedagogies to our diverse America? Is it true that this hinders learning? After taking part of this course, I am a strong believer that yes, it does.
Education is far beyond the powerful wind tunnel that I thought it once to be. Sure, time is often against us as teachers but we are often asked to do more than we what we have with us. We dream about making things with our roles as teachers, but often times have little resources to do so. What is even worst is that we must limit our education nowadays to what our curriculum asks for. It is true that students are capable of anything given the opportunities. It is certainly true that …show more content…

We learn that by working together all of these elements create a space for students to be supported in learning more about themselves and the world around them. It is by working together that students learn that there is more to the world than what they read in a book. As explicitly expressed in our in class activities, students learn best by being exposed to different cultures from their peers. Quoted from our textbook, “The work of multicultural education is not only to affirm students about who they are, but also challenge them about who they may become” (pg. 358). As teachers we keep curriculum culturally relevant by broadening our themes and learning styles to those around us. By doing so, we broaden the very minds of our students and allow for them to become agents for accepting

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