
African American Culture Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

An American is somebody who is willing to except others culture, no matter how strange it is compared to the “American culture”. An American is somebody who excepts others reliogion, race, ethnictity, gender, and sexuality even if it opposes what he or she was raise to believe. An American is someone who doesn’t consider others as outsiders, but welcome new comers with great hospitality, and encourage them to bring along their culture. America itself was founded by immegrants from Spain, France, Great Britain, the later came African Americans and more. If America was founded by new comers who brought along their cultures and those cultures mixed to form America the Great then why cant, even more new cultures come and be mixed to create America the Greatest? An American doent slander any ethnic group because of what a few individuals that are fantic and chooses to act in terror, all Americans has the freedom to participate in any religion they choose, and shouldn’t be looked at negatively. An American doesn’t consider minority vs majority, if an African American, Asian, Cocasion, and Hispanic take’s a test and their …show more content…

The comparison of these races and ethbic groups scores forms competition instead of incouragement, bcause the minority will never be as good as the majority no matter how hard they try. Eventhough America is another name for oppertunity and everybody can be and do anything they want if they put their minds to it, but how is it that no matter how much the minorty puts their mind to something they can never and will never be as good as the majority, this isn’t an oppion because test scores proves it, and school systems that are mostly

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