
African American Racism

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Who are African Americans in America? Africans were enslaved and brought to America by way of the Atlantic slave trade. African Americans have gone through a lot throughout the years since slavery. African Americans still go through harsh treatment in different shapes and forms but it is important for people to know that, because some African Americans carry a fake façade of their identity that they are not wounded by word and the actions of others. They will never truly experience all the great things life has to offer. Throughout this paper I will share with you the research I have uncovered on the many ways the social status of African Americans has evolved over time.
What it means to be black in America today lies at the complex intersection of race, class and space? Tufts sociologist Orly Clerge, who is working on a book about the diversity of black identity in the United States says, “Some are strongly attached to their black racial identity, while others participate in contextual and situational racial identity work, regardless of how the outside world perceives their skin color.” If all blacks, including black immigrants and the black middle class, don't see this inequality as a common struggle-as they did when overcoming segregation and discrimination during the civil rights movement. Author Gail Bambrick, (Black Identity and America’s Lingering Racism, 2015) says, “I don't see that the necessary conditions will be in place to disrupt and transform the current

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