
African Americans And The Native Americans

Decent Essays

The history of the Native Americans and the white colonist that would become the United States of America have always been a disaster for the Native Americans. The land greed of the whites had driven the tribes of the East west, and destroyed the culture of the Midwestern Plains tribes. Near constant war with the Native American finally appeared to come to a peaceful solution. The Native Americans resisted the American way of life because they did not understand it, education was the key to civilizing the Native Americans. The government’s broken promises and the cruelty of the white settlers were symptoms of the greater Indian problem. The Indians refused to stop being Indians, despite the efforts of Washington and missionaries to teach …show more content…

Some families resisted the new education program, however, reliance on food rations and supplies from the government swayed those who resisted. If the Indians could not become Americans, then there would be no more Indians. The boarding schools were not easily accepted by the Native Americans and some spoke out against the Americanization of native children, one detractor was Chief Sitting Bull, a leader of the Lokatas. He resisted any action that would interfere with the old ways and denounced the work of whites to assimilate the Plains tribes to American ways. In spite of the resistance of the students the boarding schools were funded and children gathered to attend. The purpose of Indian boarding schools like Carlisle Indian Industrial School claimed to take young Native American children and educate them and transform them into proper citizens of the United States. However, the reality falls far short of the expectations of the wealthy reformers who fought for the schools to improve the lives of the Native Americans. Filled with good intention the Indian boarding schools of the 19th century failed more students than it helped. Graduates from boarding schools suffered prejudice from white Americans and were ill suited for life on the reservations after years living in a different culture. Lost between two worlds neither, Indian nor American the students of the Indian boarding schools were victims of the good intentions

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