
Against the Monarchy of the Roman Catholic Church in the French Revolution

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The French Revolution was a civil revolt that broke out in France against the absolute monarchy and the Roman Catholic Church, which lasted from 1789-1799. This resulted in the establishment of France as a republic, democratic government and caused the Roman Catholic Church’s necessity, as well as its power to be questioned. The French Revolution ended the thousand-year rule of the monarchy in France and began when King Louis XVI gathered representatives from the 3 social groups called the Clergy, the Nobilities and the Commoners to solve a great national debt and economic crisis France was experiencing.

The American Revolution is believed to have greatly influenced the French, and may have inspired the French Revolution. As the French …show more content…

The French commoners from the third estate proclaimed themselves as the National Assembly as they disliked the way King Louis XVI was dealing with their financial crisis.

The King gradually acknowledged the National Assembly’s constitution and their laws that stated all men would be treated as equals when more nobles and clergy joined the third estate. As time passed, food became very scarce in France due to poor harvests and it was feared that the King would end the existence of the National Assembly. Then on the 14th of July 1789, the French rebelled against the King, the nobles and the church by attacking the Bastille, a prison were weapons were stored. This prison was the symbol of power for the nobility and the King, therefore as a result; attacking it would rebel against all that the monarchy represented. The National Assembly besieged the Bastille, killed the Governor of the prison, and freed seven prisoners. The “Storming of the Bastille” was known as the first significant action of the French Revolution and is still commemorated today in France. As well as this, the French citizens also formed their own military forces, known as the National Guard to aid the National Assembly and its ideals.

During the months of August 1789 and September 1790, French society was reorganized. Feudalism, and advantages that that nobility and the clergy had

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