
Age Of Narcissism

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AGE OF NARCISSISM Narcissism is a psychological disorder where one has an inflated view of one's appearance,abilities or worth. The word Narcissism is derived from the greek mythology of Narcissus, a very vain young God who fell in love with his own reflection on a lake. In one of the many versions of the story, Narcissus dies after drowning while staring at his own image. The point of the story being extreme vanity kills. Although there doesn't seem to be concrete evidence, our current society appears to be more narcissistic than the past generation. In the US, diagnoses of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) have risen sharply over the past 10 years. Social media could be one of the main contributing factors to the rise in NPD. Every day more than 80m photographs are uploaded to Instagram, more than 3.5bn ‘likes’ , and some 1.4bn people - 20% of the world’s population - publishing details of their lives on Facebook. Furthermore, the continuous selfies and status updates are modified, edited, checked and rechecked to present the best qualities of the individual ,and a lot of work is put …show more content…

For the Narcissist failure to get the validation needed results in him/ her being aggressive, willing to go through anything and anyone to get that acceptance and adoration they seek which makes them selfish, greedy and very unpleasant to socialize with. Just like Narcissus died staring at his own image, its seems like our current society is also drowning in its own self-image. We are more than our looks, we are infinitely more complex than our projected skills and self-worth. So many of our problems could be solved if we could focus on fixing our internal issues instead of obsessing about our external

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