
Aged Care In Australia

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Aged cares provides a safe and healthy environment for the elderly. They hire young-middle aged adults to care for them and to help them with everyday needs like taking regulated medicine, making sure they have regular meals and keeping the rest of their time there pleasurable. Elderly cannot care for themselves as thoroughly as they may have used to so aged care assists and cares for the elderly. “The aged care system in Australia aims to make sure that all older people can receive support and quality care when they need it.” Specific Needs for an Aged person: Aged care has services to help and care for each specific need of an aged person. These services are in place in order to assist and care for the aged. Safety and Security Aged people …show more content…

Aged people need to stay physically active to help maintain their health and fitness and can also help an aged person after a hospital visit. Aged people may apply for nursing care for help with managing health conditions. Nursing Care is available in a clinic, a hospital or in your own home. Allied Health Support is to help aged people with minor health issues and works with other support systems. This includes physiotherapy, speech pathology, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietitian, exercise physiologists etc. Many aged people struggle with cooking their own meals on a regular basis which is where food services come in. Food services help aged people by making sure that they are eating regular meals whilst maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. There are many different food services who help aged people in different ways for example they may prepare and deliver meals to their home, or a community centre may provide meals or aged people can even be assisted with cooking in their own home. Aged people may struggle with looking after themselves so they receive Personal Care services to help with everyday chores. For example they may assist with bathings, getting dressed and ready, assistance with eating, going to the toilet, getting in and out of bed and moving around the …show more content…

Social Support and Activities can help aged people maintain a social life giving them a sense of identity through either being visited in their home or by arranging get togethers. Having Social Support and Activities to do helps aged people feel connected to the outside world and gives them a sense of support which prevents the aged from feeling lonely or displaced. Aged people who feel alone and aren't connected to the outside world on a regular basis can be assisted by the Community Visitors Scheme which provides visits from volunteers who usually will have common interests, hobbies or backgrounds so that the relationship will be more

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