
Aggressive Behavior Analysis

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There are many factors affecting our pet’s aggressive behavior at home including: environment, time spent with the owners, breed, diet, being neutered/spayed, being kept outside or inside, but most importantly the size (Hsu & Sun, 2010). In addition, this article will discuss dog aggression in the household, and whether it is innate to the breed or there might be triggers for this behavior and how it can be corrected (Casey, Loftus, Bolster, Richards, & Blackwell, 2012).

Subsequently, the environment we keep our pets in, including being around other dogs or children, frequency of visitors (especially strangers), and in or outside environment can affect how our pets adapt and react when presented in different situations (Duffy, Hsu, & Serpell, 2008). The type of breeds may also affect the level of aggressiveness of pets whether it is aggression towards people, other dogs, or strangers entering the household (Duffy et al., 2008).

Canine aggression directed toward family members is a threat to the family and the animal (Brech, Amat, Camps, Temple, & Manteca, 2016). In addition, studies have shown that …show more content…

These perceptions may be affected by experience with dogs of different breeds, the number of dogs owned, the size and appearance of the dogs, and the statistics of them. Between methodologies, however, evaluations of breeds exhibiting low aggression (e.g., Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers) are relatively consistent (Drapper, 1995). Within-breed differences have been reported in direct, but not indirect assessments (e.g., owner surveys) of aggression. Owner surveys were not consistent with popular perceptions of breeds as portrayed in breed standards. All of these factors, nevertheless, further complicate the ability to make conclusions about clear breed differences in aggression (Drapper,

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