
Ahmed Suradji Research Paper

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Ahmad Suradji, the sorcerer, admitted to killing 42 girls and women in all between 1986 and 1997. He believes that the rituals of their bodies would give him black magic powers. His victims ranged from 11 to 30 and were strangled after being buried up to their waste in the ground. A serial killer is a person who commits a numerous of murders, usually with no remorse, and following a particular pattern. Their killings are material symptoms of the combination of their lifelong habits and personal motivations and fears. Though those factors are not excuses for hurting others, they are interesting explanations and provide fascinating insight on the killers’ minds. Serial killers kill over a period of time, ranging in the number of people they choose. Serial killers plot for particular people and plot for a particular plan. Mass murderers kill numerous of people all in one place at the same time. Mass murderers usually have no “people” skills and lack in social skills. Both serial killers and mass murderers usually both lack in sympathy and characteristics of manipulation. Ahmad Suradji was in fact a serial killer. Serial killers, …show more content…

He lived in Medan, the capital of North Sumatra, Indonesia with his Japanese parents. Ahmad got into plenty of fist fights in school and would be in and out of jail as a young boy at the age of 18. He had a great reputation and was much sort after when it comes to matters of the heart, of the wallet and of the body. Ahmad’s father was a reversed cattle breeder in Indonesia. Ahmad always followed in his father’s footsteps as a child. At the age of 19, Ahmad was arrested for theft and violence. Unfortunately, Ahmad’s father died when he in his young adulthood. Ahmad just so happened to be the local sorcerer, performing spells for people to ensure that things in life went their way. After his first arrest, Ahmad wondered off into the woods and started to practice more on

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