
Alabama Experience

Decent Essays

I can recall the very moment that I knew The University of Alabama at Birmingham was the perfect choice for me. It was about a year ago and I was, in fact, sitting in on one of Dr. Hamilton`s General Chemistry II lectures as a part of a tour that I was on. I remember sitting there and thinking of all that I had seen on the tour and feeling completely at home. It also ironic because I am in that very class this semester. It is so crazy how much can change in one year. “Months are different in college, especially freshman year. Too much happens. Every freshman month equals six regular months.” This is a quote from one of my all time favorite books, Fangirl, and it really resonates with me. It sure does not feel like only six months have passed …show more content…

When looking at prospective colleges, I not only sought those with prestigious academic records, but I also looked at the environment and the ambiance of the schools. I loved that UAB was such a beautiful college campus right in the middle of city. I knew that attending an urban college would be a unique experience that I would not be able to receive many other places. I also noticed that UAB was experiencing a period of rich growth. I could feel the excitement in the air and could not pass up an opportunity to be apart of …show more content…

I plan on joining a research lab in the fall and finding even more ways to get involved on campus. Another thing people do not realize about UAB is the quality of student life. Despite being largely a commuter campus, there is always something to do on campus and new people to meet. Everyone is different but it`s not hard to find some commonalties when talking to my fellow Blazers. Whether in the elevator, Starbucks line, or even the laundry room, I can always find someone new to meet and learn their

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