
Alcatraz Research Paper

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Alcatraz prison is a federal penitentiary located in San Francisco Bay on Alcatraz Island, not too far from the Golden Gate Bridge. Alcatraz is considered to be one of the most notorious penitentiaries in the United States, its history runs far and deep but so do all the legends and stories that come along with it. The prison has been home to some very notable people such as Al Capone, George Kelly, Robert Stroud and the list goes on. There are hundreds of different horror films and books out there in the world, most of which are written based off of real events or claims made by the average person. But Alcatraz doesn’t really house the average person. Claims of ghosts and demonic entities on the island have been made even before the prison …show more content…

Prisoners, many of which who left the prison in a fragile mental state, reported “peculiar whispering sounds in the middle of the night, floating blue lights and figures, moaning, and the clanking of chains in cells which were known to be unoccupied” (Floyd 3). More activity reported by Allison Vale, in Hell House: And Other True Hauntings from Around The World, An inmate in cellblock D had reported seeing glowing red eyes in the dark, and screamed for hours. The guards would laugh at all the claims of paranormal activity made by the convicts until they started to experience it for themselves. Some of the guard’s reports included “feeling cold spots, unseen fingers on the back of their necks, and crying in the night” (Floyd 4). Finally, KGO radio Anchor Ted Wygant visited Alcatraz in 1982. Wygant said for the most of his visit he encountered nothing, except for around 3am at the corridor where the 3 men were shot and killed during “The Battle of Alcatraz.” Wygant states that he “felt and evil presence on the floor where the 3 men had laid dead years prior, he started cursing and had the strong compulsion to fire gun at people” (Travel Channel

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