
Alcohol Abuse In Peru Essay

Decent Essays

Alcoholism is an addiction to the consumption of alcohol – liquor and have compulsive behavior of the alcohol abuse. In the United States, alcohol has been used to an advantage. Japan has a major drinking issue and the number of citizens is increasing every year. Peru’s upper and middle have been the major consumers of alcohol abuse. In the United States, alcohol abuse and addiction are increasing frequently because of people taking advantage of being able to drink or just because you are 21 or older. It is the most common addiction in the united states. The excessive use of alcohol leads to liver disease and sometimes kills people. According to Douglas Main, “the study also found that 36 percent of men and 43 percent of Native Americans had struggled with drinking problems in their lives”. (Main, D 1) Drinking is just as bad as a drug, you are just …show more content…

Peru is in danger because their alcohol drinking problem is horrible. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse, “The prevalence estimate was higher among males (52.9 percent compared to females (37.2 percent)”. (N, D 1) Men tend to drink more because they take all their anger out by constantly drinking. People don’t tend to notice that they are abusing their bodies with alcohol because they see that as relieving the stress. Peru’s main religion is Catholicism and they do believe that people have freedom of religion. They tend to use catholic ideas and making them important to their everyday lives. Peru doesn’t have any awareness programs for alcohol abuse and they should try and discover some. If they don’t find help for these people now their death rate will be out of this world. No one seems to understand how important this situation is. Even though, alcohol has a bad part of Peru they have contributed something that other countries haven’t. That would be that their educational system is better than the US. Peru is also a developing

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