
Research Questions On Nursing Practice

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The aim of this paper is to formulate a PICOT question and describe how important this research question is to nursing practice. It will include a summary of five research articles related to my PICOT question and identify a nursing practice that is supported by current research. The paper will also explain how a nursing practice that is supported by evidence-based practice can contribute to better outcomes. Lastly, I will share a strategy to share evidence-based practice throughout my organization and explain the importance of the practice.
Alcohol abuse has become one of the principal causes of mortality and morbidity in the United States causing more than 200,000 deaths every year (Hendey, Dery, Barnes, Snowden, & …show more content…

Our organization uses benzodiazepines as the first choice for the treatment of AWS. Formulating a PICOT question can help my organization find if evidence best practice supports the use of benzodiazepines for the treatment of AWS. Therefore, I will introduce you my PICOT question which is: In patients that are withdrawing from alcohol, what is the effect of benzodiazepines, compared to other drugs in the treatment for AWS?
Evidence-Based Practice The study by Amato, Minozzi and Davoli (2011) examined five randomized controlled trials to find an efficient and safe medication to treat AWS. The study which had a total of 7333 patients concluded that benzodiazepines were better for controlling seizures when compared to a placebo and antipsychotics (Amato et al., 2011). When comparing benzodiazepines versus anticonvulsants, researchers concluded that the benzodiazepine chlordiazepoxide had better outcomes. No other studies were found which would compare the effectiveness among benzodiazepines for the treatment of AWS. The study by Askgaard, Hallas, Fink-Jensen, Molander, Madsen, and Pottegard (2016) compared how effective the antipsychotic phenobarbital is when compared to the benzodiazepine chlordiazepoxide. The study involved a total of 2428 patients who had AWS; 1063 patients were treated with chlordiazepoxide, and 1365 patients were treated with phenobarbital (Askgaard et al., 2016). Researchers

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