
Alcohol Change In Sports

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Alcohol had the power to affect control for a period of time to change them personally. It is very common for people to change when they have been intoxication with alcohol, but everyone responds differently to the effects. I observed fans of a professional soccer team change throughout the 90 minutes of the game due to becoming inebriated. The question I ask was “How does alcohol change the viewing experience along with the attitude towards the game?” I observed a small group of fans that attended Chicago Fire Soccer Team match on September 3 of 2016. The Chicago Fire played the Philadelphia Union at the Fire’s home stadium in Bridgeview Illinois Toyota Park. The group of friends that I observed was three older men who are season ticket …show more content…

Every game that they go to, they will normally purchase four or five rounds of beers in the stadium and have a couple more when they are tailgating be for the game. They feel like they have a strong connection with the team, as they are longtime fans that have been with them in wins or lose. The observation was conducted with them sitting in their normal seats and me sitting in my seats directly across the player tunnel. They were conferrable with me doing this observation because I have season tickets near them and have gotten to know them over the last few …show more content…

Be for the game when everyone is tailgating in the parking lot, there is mini pickup games where anyone can join in because everyone is there to have a good time and support the professional team. This shows the subculture supports people from all races and ethnicity to come together and not discrimination. During the game, there is a friendly environment where people might be in a confined space where they bump into each other, but that is shortly flowed by an “I am sorry”. Also within culture of the game, there are changes and adaptions to the language that is used. At the game, the fans cheer and yell the well, know chants to show support for the team. These chants and songs are well known to the fans, but an outsider looking in would not know what is going on. The fans and the players at the game created and adapted their own sub culture that everyone accepted and conformed to creating a positive

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